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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Silvinson, LMFT

Positive Affirmations

How to incorporate positive and inspirational messages throughout the day.

Positive affirmations can be helpful in changing our perceptions of who we are and what we are capable of. By focusing on simple messages throughout our day we can instill a sense of health and well-being where negative messages might have once been present. An affirmation can be anything that brings an instant feeling of well-being, such as a song lyric, a line from a favorite book or poem, or just a reminder to be kind to oneself. The more affirmations are repeated the more they become a part of how we view ourselves.

Start with "I am" statements, such as:

I am amazing.

I am full of life.

I am smart.

I am capable.

I am courageous.

I am patient.

The experience of focusing on a positive statement and repeating it throughout the day will in turn help your mind to believe what is being stated. Change is created through that belief in yourself. Set a reminder on your phone, post an image or a caption, or get an app that will send you a daily affirmation to help jump start how you think about yourself and how you interact with the world.

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